Final class FH\IO<+T>

Functions that create, combine, and unsafely execute I/O actions.


__construct((function(): T) $action)
Construct an I/O action which when performed executes the given (potentially effectful) procedure.

Static methods

pure(T $x): IO<T>
Return an I/O action that has no effects and returns the given value.

Instance methods

unsafePerform(): T
Perform this I/O action, including any effects it may have.
map<TM>((function(T): TM) $f): IO<TM>
Return an I/O action that performs this I/O action and transforms its result with the given function.
bind<TM>((function(T): IO<TM>) $f): IO<TM>
Combine this I/O action with a Kleisli arrow.